Learning Outcome 1

The essay I choose to represent in this learning outcome is my Narrative essay. First, I want to talk about my approach to global revision. Global revision is the most important piece of revision because this is where you fix the part of the essay that will make or break your paper. It’s like changing the recipe if you’re baking a cake. If you need more sugar, add more sugar. Or if there’s too much salt, remove some salt. same goes for the essay. Add more quotes if you need it, or fix your explanations if they don’t support your thesis. For this narrative essay, we see this a lot. I was fortunate enough to have written a strong thesis in my rough draft, so the piece that needed to be fixed was the connections and relations to the thesis. If you look at the last body paragraph in my rough draft and compare it to the last body paragraph in my fin al draft, you can see I added a lot more explanation as to why narratives are dangerous.

Next is my local revision. For me, I save my local revision until the very end. I consider this the final touches to the essay. If you’re referring to a cake, it like adding the frosting and decorating the top of the cake. It’s the last ‘hur-rah’ before you show everyone your cake. I will read through my essay over and over (about three times) until I feel there are no more grammar issues, and the sentences flow nicely. From here, I will have someone also read my essay to do the same thing. My biggest pet-peeve in high school was losing points on an essay because of grammar issues. Another thing I started to do in college is find words I repeated an excessive number of times and use a thesaurus to find a different word, and I believe it makes the essay sound better. An example from this essay would be that I used the word, ‘false’ way too many times. Using a thausruas, I found the words ‘phony’ and ‘incorrect’ as well. This prevented a tedious essay.

By revising my essay the way I did, it shows alot about how I development. of an essay. It makes me understand arguments and what makes for a strong argument. You can’t shy away from an argument because your reader won’t understand. You must be in depth in your writing and understand what you want to say, and be able to put your words on paper.

Final Draft of Narrative Essay

Rough Draft of Narrative Essay
